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P3Care Explains the Three Rules of HIPAA Medical Billing

HIPAA or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability…
healthcare providers, medical practitioners, HIPAA Privacy and Security, HIPAA Security Guidelines, Telehealth Communication, healthcare workers, telehealth services, HIPAA regulatory requirements, HIPAA Compliant, MIPS reporting, QPP MIPS, MIPS 2020, QPP 2020, HIPAA medical billing, telehealth medicine

COVID-19: HIPAA Security and Privacy Guidelines Relaxed for Providers

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Health…
HIPAA , HIPAA security analysis, HIPAA security, HIPAA Requirements, HIPAA medical billing, HIPAA medical billing company, Health IT, COVID-19 , Coronavirus, Healthcare IT companies, Healthcare Under HIPAA, Healthcare providers Healthcare solutions, HER, EHR

4 Health IT Recommendations for Remote Healthcare Under HIPAA

Working from home is a new reality. The novel coronavirus has…
Medical billing services, Medical billing company, MIPS in healthcare, Healthcare Solutions California, HIPAA medical billing company, Meaningful use of EHRs

5 Front Desk Basics to Improve Your Medical Practice

Like in any business, front desk staff plays a vital role in…
medical billing service, revenue cycle management process, medical billing company, medical billing outsourcing, RCM process, HIPAA medical billing

The ERAs and EFTs in Payment Posting for Medical Billing

As a medical billing service, it is our primary duty to look…
HIPAA medical billing 1

HIPAA Medical Billing Is More Important Than You Think

If you belong to the healthcare industry in any capacity be it…

3 Qualities a Good Medical Billing Company Must Have

In what cases do medical practices think of hiring a medical…